BioTabs SeedPlugs – More than just plugs!

This kit, consisting of the 12-cell seedbed and the Startermix bio nutrient solution, gives your plants the best start. Startermix is a unique blend of microorganisms that incorporates essential elements for the germination of your seeds and seedling development. Startermix dissolves quickly and easily in irrigation water, allowing for easy application and giving your plants […]

The Transformative Power of Regenerative Agriculture

In the urgent mission to heal our planet, regenerative agriculture emerges as a glimmer of hope amid the crisis. It’s not just about growing food – it’s a holistic way of caring for the land that can mend soil erosion and, in turn, help trap carbon dioxide from the air. For years, intensive farming and […]

Hemp Bricks

In a world increasingly aware of the importance of adopting sustainable practices, the construction industry is looking for greener alternatives to reduce its environmental impact. In this context, hemp bricks have emerged as a solution that combines durability, efficiency, and sustainability. These bricks, made from natural and renewable materials, are gaining ground as a viable […]

Silicon in Plants

After oxygen, silicon is the most abundant element in the earth’s crust and plays a critical role in plant growth and development. Although not considered an essential nutrient, silicon has been shown to provide numerous benefits, especially under stressful conditions. Plants absorb silicon mainly in the form of the monomeric silicic acid present in the […]

Bioremediation and Microremediation

Bioremediation and Microremediation (Living and dead) organisms that restore damaged ecosystems. Introduction: Environmental pollution has become one of the most pressing challenges facing our planet today. Oil spills, the release of toxic chemicals and the accumulation of industrial waste have left a significant footprint on our ecosystems. In response to these issues, bioremediation and microremediation […]


In forests and natural ecosystems there is an incredible network of communication and cooperation going on beneath our feet, out of sight. At the heart of this amazing phenomenon is the mycelium, an underground network of fine fungal filaments that spreads through the soil, connecting trees and plants in fascinating ways. The mycelium is the […]

Discover the revolutionary Orgatrex formula!

Our liquid organic fertiliser has been boosted with an N-P-K composition of 5-2-5 and enriched with the most effective natural ingredients. Orgatrex offers the best of nature in every drop. Its unique formula, composed of the highest quality plant raw materials, guarantees optimal levels of organic sugars, balanced amounts of trace elements and essential amino […]

News – Sustainability and Hemp

In recent years, there has been an increasing focus on sustainability and the use of hemp in various sectors, including sports. Football teams have begun to recognize their responsibility to operate in an environmentally way. This has led to several initiatives aimed to reduce the impact of football matches and club operations. In addition to […]

The Smurf Growers and their medicinal cultivation

Below, we share the testimony of The Smurf Growers, a group of patients who are specialized in the use of medicinal plant stem tinctures for the treatment of chronic pain and they use the BioTabs range for their crops. “The Smurf Growers are a small group of medicinal patients who have came together to fight […]

Boom Boom Spray 20ml: Your plant’s new best friend

We are pleased to announce the launch of the 20ml tube of Boom Boom Spray. New format, but the same great product! This foliar biostimulant is a product that is diluted in water and sprayed on the leaves until it soaks in. It is a pure concentrate of organic matter, organic nitrogen, soluble peptides, plant […]