Liquid Fertiliser

20,09 74,68 

Organic Liquid Fertiliser
NPK (5-1-5)

Growth and flowering accelerator

  • Indoor or Outdoor
  • For veg., flower, herbs, trees & shrubs
  • Perfect for different kinds of soil
  • Certified 100% organic

BioTabs Orgatrex (available in 1L & 5L). Organic liquid fertiliser (NPK: 5-1-5) produced only using ingredients approved by the Control Union.

Organic Plant Food NPK (5-1-5)

For both the growing and flowering cycles.
May be used as a liquid fertiliser for vegetables, flowers, herbs, trees and shrubs. Use 5 ml per litre of water. Use with every watering, during the growing and flowering cycle. For potted and in-ground plants.
To be used as a component of the BioTabs organic growing & flowering strategy.

ORGATREX is made of ingredients approved by the Control Union.
A Orgatrex/ water solution may be stored for two days.
Keep cool, shake well or stir before use.

Orgatrex is approved as an organic fertiliser for use with all crops. This fertiliser contains no animal parts or products.


This product contains alfalfa meal, mixed molasses, vinasse, silicon oxide and rock dust.


NPK (5-1-5) + balanced quantities of Zn, Cu, Mn, Co, Mo, S, Na, B and Fe.

Control Union certified organic ingredients.

For optimal results, combine Orgatrex with beneficial soil bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi products, such as Bactrex and Mycotrex. For detailed instructions and how to gain optimal benefit from BioTabs products, please read the BioTabs Organic Grow Manual.


1 L, 5 L


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